Lauren’s Invisalign Blog: Refinements

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Last post I mentioned that I had only a few trays left, so I had an appointment with Dr.Blattner to check my progress and he and I decided the bottom teeth were not exactly where we wanted them. I was on tray 15 of 17 and he knew those last 2 trays would not fix everything that needed to be straightened. So on 7/29/15, I got my buttons off, got re-scanned with the itero, and took photos to get more trays. I was kind of nervous to see how many trays I would end up with. I’ve seen patients have more trays on the refinements than they did to begin with. I kept wearing my current tray like normal so that my teeth would stay in place until my new aligners came in. The trays weren’t as tight now since the buttons had been taken off and my teeth felt so smooth without the buttons.

Yesterday I received my new set of Invisalign trays and got buttons put on. I got 7 buttons on the bottom, on my canines and premolars, and 1 button on top on a premolar. It looks like this round I have 6 active trays on top and the same on bottom. Since I’m changing trays every 5 days from the Propel treatment I’ll be done in 30 days (unless more trays are needed)! I want my teeth to be as close to perfect as possible so if I have to do another round of refnements I will. I’m definitely glad I did Propel and have been able to cut my time in half. It has made this process more smooth and its exciting seeing my results faster. I’ve said this since the beginning but this has been the easiest process and I love my results. I have never wanted traditional braces even before Invisalign but now that I’ve been through Invisalign I would recommend it for anyone wanting to straighten their teeth.